Working as a student trainee with C + P

Deepening theory, gaining practical experience... and earning money, of course

Although Michael is still in the middle of his Master's degree, he can already look back on almost two years of service at CHRISTMANN + PFEIFER. He has long since become an integral part of the team, working hand in hand with his colleagues and providing active support in day-to-day business.

He first became aware of CHRISTMANN + PFEIFER during his studys of civil engineering at the THM in Giessen. The construction student council organizes the annual "Gießener Unternehmenstag". This gives students and companies the opportunity to get to meet each other. But the idea to apply as a working student ultimately came from an acquaintance.

Michael is now regularly on site in Angelburg and actively involved in the calculations team. Although he focused on construction and structural design as part of his Bachelor's degree and continues to do so in his Master's degree, he likes the proximity to sales, to the market and to the construction projects. And anyway: "As a civil engineer, you simply have a broad base and can work in a wide variety of areas - whether planning, project management, sales or even costing. It's precisely this flexibility that I like so much about this job," says Michael.

He also likes the opportunity to apply his theoretical knowledge directly in practice as a working student and to be involved in the day-to-day running of the company - and the fact that he also earns money is of course another positive aspect that cannot be dismissed. "I really enjoy working here. I currently work two fixed days a week, in line with my study schedule. During the vacations and depending on the tasks at hand, I sometimes work more often," Michael reports on his day-to-day work.

The next upcoming milestone for him is his Master's thesis. This will start in a few months - he is currently working on finding a topic. It remains to be seen how and in which field of activity he will continue after that. But one thing is clear: the experience he gained as a working student will definitely come in handy.