Career planning step by step.

Treading your own career path step by step and without a master plan

Part-time job as first signpost

Not every student has a master plan in their pocket and their goals mapped out early on. That's what happened to Maja. "Looking back, I was really haphazard when I was 16," she says of that time. Actually, she wanted to graduate from high school. She was looking for a part-time job and came to CHRISTMANN + PFEIFER in Angelburg by chance.

There she worked part-time as an assistant in the company C + P Schlüsselfertiges Bauen and helped to compile the revision documents for the building owners after completion of the construction projects. A classic office job: collecting, storing, preparing, sorting and providing documents. Maja hadn't seen the inside of an office before, but she immediately sensed: office work and her - it's an unexpected match! "It was fun to have a meaningful task, to get something done. You are suddenly appreciated for the work you do in a completely different way than in school, as one among many. It's been so motivating!"

Annual internship confirms: "Business and administration, just my thing!"

It has now been six years since Maja took her first steps at C + P. And she is still there today. The unassuming part-time job has influenced her career. She immediately feels so at home in the office that she throws her original plan to graduate from high school out the window. A friend of hers wants to do a vocational baccalaureate with a focus on business, and she, too, changes her mind. To do this, she has to complete a one-year internship at a company and then attend vocational school full-time for a year. She can stay directly at C + P for the year-long internship and her business career takes its course. During the internship she also gets an insight into accounting and at school she has her first contact with economics, accounting, marketing.

Logical consequence: training as an industrial clerk

After she has her business school diploma in her pocket, she has to decide which direction to take. Training? Or going straight to university? "An apprenticeship is never a waste of time," she hears. And so she applies to C + P for an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk and takes off. In the three years of her apprenticeship, she worked in purchasing, human resources, accounting and marketing and was given more and more responsibility. At the end of the apprenticeship, things come full circle: "My final department was again the company C + P Schlüsselfertiges Bauen and I actually gave my final presentation on the subject of audit documents."

"You just have to start and then you get better at figuring out what you want."

Maja Koch, Dual Student in Business Management

And the path continues - with a dual study program at the "THM" (Technical University Hesse)

Even though the training program has come full circle, she would like to continue her education: "Somehow I didn't feel finished yet." Her superiors have a great idea: They offer Maja the dual study program "Business Administration - Specializing in Management for middle-sized companys". She is now a student, studying at the THM in Biedenkopf in the theoretical phases and working at C + P Schlüsselfertiges Bauen in the practical phases. She enjoys the small group of seven students and the wide range of topics. Whether it's business informatics, basics of employment law or human resources and organizational development, she enjoys this variety as well as the comfort of being financially supported by the company throughout her studies. "During the semester, you can fully concentrate on your studies and then the practical phase provides the professional reference. The model is great!", Maja is enthusiastic.

Trying leads to studying

For being supposedly "haphazard" just a few years ago, she is now all the more determined! She wants to encourage many students out there. "You just have to start and then you find out better and better what you want - as the saying goes: the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Even if in my case it should be: trying leads to studying!"